The People’s Voice Committee is a group of Pinetop-Lakeside area residents who want to preserve the quality of life within our small town. We are not anti-growth, but we are in favor of development that does not degrade our community’s character, as stated in the current voter approved 2015 General Plan Statement of Community Goals and Development Policy. It also states, and we agree, that “The General Plan encourages a balanced land use pattern that respects the environment, private property rights and preservation of community character.”
Our goal is to inform and educate our fellow Pinetop-Lakeside area residents about the current happenings and changes taking place within our community. We believe that every resident should have a voice in decisions that will affect our small community.
We host monthly Community Meetings at 5:30 pm on the first Wednesday of every month at the White Mountain Community Center (1594 Johnson Dr, Pinetop-Lakeside, AZ 85929). These meeting are open to all Pinetop-Lakeside area residents who want to know more about what is happening within our community.